19 the night safari

Arrived in Singapore, my eldest son missed so much, from the very beginning, the sofficini and the wood of Lugano.

To cheer the children up, we decide to go to the “night safari”, one of the most popular attraction in Singapore.

Due to the extreme difficult situation, we told them that we were going for an adventurous walk into the jungle, during the night. We were supposed to see monkeys, exotic reptiles and dangerous insect; maybe not the tiger.

We arrived at a big parking place, we had to cue for a long time to go in a open train together with many other people with camera. The trail run along the usual animal home, they were free but they never moved from there, in the meanwhile a lady with a microphone explained animal’s characteristics and habits of these wonderful creatures.

We were allowed to go out of the train for a short walk, well directed by signes that indicated the way towards the leopard or the hippo.

To justifie all this was not so easy.



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