20 the kindergarden for Fede

Today Fede has started the kindergarden in English and Mandarin, where I sent the twins some days ago. He goes in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Such a stupid organization of the day.

If you think that I haven’t planed the schooling of my sons in details yet, you are wrong. The situation is totally out of control. I don’t know yet in which school Federico will go and for the twins I don’t even remember where I applied for them and where they are in waiting list, dispite we invested a huge sum in registration fees. I’ve called almost all the Kindergarden around    proposing many different solutions (one in the morning the other in the afternoon, one in a site the other one somewhere else) in order to find places available. Today I called a Kindergarden, sure that it was for the first time, and the lady at the reception answered promptly “Hi marina, how are the twins?”


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